May 29, 2013

Armchair BEA: Blogger Development

How have I developed myself as a blogger over the past year? To better answer this question, I wanted to look at both the personal and professional development I've made as a result of book blogging.

It shames me to admit it, but I don't think I've been the best at my professional development as a blogger thus far. Part of the blame is my fault, and part I'd like to blame on circumstances.

I still do feel, however, that Late Nights with Good Books has helped to develop me personally, if not professionally or widely throughout the community. This is my fourth blog, and for all of my other ones I posted infrequently and stopped after only a few months. Here I push myself to post new content every few days. I'm reading more than ever, relying on my knowledge of literary criticism to help me write reviews, and becoming more and more adept with the literary and publishing worlds.

I started my blog with the express purpose of reading books, writing reviews, and connecting with other book lovers. Although I never kept track of the number of books I read each year before 2012, I know that I read more now than I used to. My reading's become more regimented and I never have to worry about what to read next since my TBR pile is out-of-control. And I also am writing each day: writing about writing/reading primarily, so it's not exactly the creative writing I love, but I believe any type of writing helps us keep our skills sharp.

Anyway, all of this is a very roundabout way to say that developing my presence and connecting with other bloggers is mostly put on the back burner. I love reading others' reviews and commenting on them, and I love discussing my reviews and discussions with others, but I'm not a very adept user of social media. I don't have a smart phone, I work during the day, and I like to devote my nights more to reading, writing reviews, and commenting on others' posts than developing my online presence.

Being a part of the book blogging community, even on the outskirts, has already benefited me as a reader, a writer, and a critical thinker. I can only imagine how beneficial it will be to become even more involved in the blogging community and develop my professional community presence.

If you have any advice on how you've managed to develop your blog and your presence as a blogger, please let me know! There are simply too few hours in a day for me to accomplish all that I'd like to with my blog!
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Amanda loves few things better than sitting down with a cup of tea and a book. She frequently stays up far too late, telling herself she just needs to finish one more page. When she's not wrapped up in the stories of others, Amanda works as a children's librarian in a public library.


  1. I think growing personally is fantastic. If you are improving through your blog, that's better than any audience or internet fame.

    1. Oh, very true. I agree. I'm just trying to do that and then some, if it's possible. But thanks. :)

  2. I don't think you really need a wide online presence when it comes to blogs as the blog itself is an online presence.

    1. The keyword there is wide. I would ideally like to try to expand my corner of the internet, as I'm sure is something most bloggers want to do.

  3. It is amazing how many of so started and failed at blogging before it clicked. And I often think sometimes we sacrifice our reading time to our social media so you might in fact be luckier than most to not have the smart phone.

    1. I know! Luckily it's easy enough to start (and stop) a blog, so we can have those failures at first and move past them. And that's very true. You make a good point!

  4. Hey... I didn't have a smart phone till LAST YEAR. I didn't really see a purpose for it and I still don't use my phone like other people do. Some people are constantly looking at their phones even at dinner with other people. .... WHOA I am going to go off on a cell phone rant! I don't really have an online presence myself so more power to us!!


    1. Yeah. I'm cheap and don't want to spend the money and also have to worry about data limits lol. So I'm not really complaining or anything. And we'll get there - that's what events like this are for, right? :)

  5. I also read so much more than I did before I started blogging, about a hundred plus books more. Having this whole community that's so supportive of reading really encourages indulging on the hobby, as do review copies. Gotta get those read!


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