January 3, 2014

A Year for Writing

In 2013 I had a personal reading goal of 65 books and ended up reading 90 books. That amounted to 30,731 pages and countless hours spent reading.

Here at Late Nights with Good Books, I participated in the 2013 Debut Author Challenge (I read a total of 14 YA/MG debuts) and the 2013 Standalone Reading Challenge (I read a total of 10 YA standalone titles).

For 2014, I’ve once again joined the Debut Author Challenge, but that will be my only formal reading challenge here. It was fun to have the opportunity to read specific types of books, but these challenges do take up a lot of time so I am not committing myself to more than one. Of course, I’ll have my personal reading challenge (trying for 70 books this year). I also have a deep and unabiding love for chunky books, which somehow was ignored for most of 2013, so another personal goal of mine will be to read a few lengthier novels. If you’re interested in tracking my progress, please refer to my Challenges tab.

My main challenge for this new year is not a reading challenge, however. As the title of this post states, I plan on making 2014 a year where I really focus on my own personal writing.

Back when I started Late Nights with Good Books in May of 2012, I was lonely and uncertain of my future. After spending four years at college critically analyzing writing (I double-majored in English and Spanish), I actually missed that I no longer had to do so. Two things that have always comforted me are books and writing, and so upon the discovery of Goodreads and book blogs it just made sense for me to start my own book blog.

I have absolutely no regrets in creating Late Nights with Good Books. I’ve read some fantastic books, and have had the opportunity to interact with many authors, publicists, and fellow book lovers. In no means do I know everything about the publishing process or the current market for YA books, but I’m learning. And I love that. I love that I have a reason to read a ton and write my thoughts about books — and that others actually care to read my opinions.

The issue herein is this: for the past year and a half, the vast majority of my free time after work has been consumed by blogging. I love reading, yes, but I also love writing. Writing’s been a passion of mine for nearly as long as reading has. My ultimate goal is to get some of my works published. While this blog has enabled me to better see what books are getting contracts, I’m no closer to getting any works of mine ready for submission. And this is my own fault; I’ve succumbed to the pressures of reading, reading, reading and blogging, blogging, blogging.

All of this is to say I need to change my priorities a bit. I won’t stop reading and I won’t stop blogging. Honestly, I don’t think I could even if I wanted to. But they’re going to take a bit of a back seat for a while, and I will start interchanging books to review with books on writing and those for inspiration (which probably will not be reviewed). My ultimate resolution for 2014 is to get back to writing. I have a partially finished novella I’d like to work on, and I would ideally love to finish a full draft for a novel. Blogging at Late Nights with Good Books has not only made me respect and appreciate published authors more, but has made me realize just how much I would love to count myself among their ranks someday.

Again, this is not a goodbye — my current plan is to publish at least one review and one additional post a week, maybe more. I also still plan on interacting with bloggers, authors, and the book community. Just not to the same degree right now. This is the right direction for me right now, and I am excited to spend some time really focusing on my writing dreams.
author image


Amanda loves few things better than sitting down with a cup of tea and a book. She frequently stays up far too late, telling herself she just needs to finish one more page. When she's not wrapped up in the stories of others, Amanda works as a children's librarian in a public library.


  1. Good luck with your writing this year!! Blogging and reading take up a ton of time. I agree!!! People think it's so easy to blog... and they ask how a blog becomes successful .. I just tell them a lot of time and work!!

    Angela's Anxious Life

    1. Exactly! I'd like to have a successful/well-read blog and time to write...but that doesn't seem to be possible right now. Eventually, perhaps. Thank you, Angie!

  2. I think it's great that you're prepared to focus more on your writing this year. I didn't actually know that you were a writer, Amanda, but I wish you the best of luck! Blogging can take up a lot of time, and I'm planning to change things myself this year too. :)

    1. Thank you, Sam! It's kind of weird to call myself a writer since I haven't done creative writing in nearly a year, so I'm hoping the transition to that sort of writing isn't too difficult. We'll see. And good luck with changing things up on your own blog this year! :)

  3. This is wonderful, Amanda! I love that you've made writing a goal for yourself. It is something that I wish I was brave enough to try, but so far I don't feel the same pull towards it that you do. I hope that you're able to find inspiration and go for it.

    1. Aw you should try! It helps to have some classes and experience behind you, but with or without that, I think enthusiasm is key. So I've just got to muster up some energy for this project in order to really get into it again. Fingers crossed all turns out as I hope. Thank you, Lauren!

  4. Oh Amanda, this is exciting! I think it's so great that you are setting such goals for yourself and I wish you the best! I personally don't think I could ever find the drive and focus to write a novel, but I totally admire people who do because I feel it's such an amazing accomplishment. So good on you and good luck!

    1. Thank you, Aylee! I appreciate your supportive words. :) I've never written a novel before - just short stories and starts to novels - but I'm hoping to change that this year!


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